Our Services

At ElectionWing, we apply behavioral and data sciences to create solutions that positively affect people and Social groups. We believe in making a greater difference in society through our work. The success of our approach is reflected in ElectionWing 18 years of sustained growth.

Research that improves your decision-making

Our team of social scientists is dedicated to providing research support and strategy consulting to improve your decision-making, efficiency, and communications based on elections.

Research conducted on a large scale

Our surveys have reached out several elections in country annually. We’ve conducted several surveys for election based research efforts and have most often served as the principal role in design, data collection, analysis and reporting.

Research that helps you understand your target audience’s behavior

Our scientific perspective helps clients understand their audience’s decision-making process and inform the design and development of solutions that will best generate positive outcomes. Take a moment to meet our team.

Our team of highly trained social scientists works to better understand the unique challenges and underlying questions our clients face. As your partner, we will work to clarify your needs, identify the most appropriate research strategy, and provide clear and concise results. Our mission is to provide actionable, data-driven recommendations on election research that will positively impact your bottom line.

We have wide experience of conducting electoral research

  • Opinion polling
  • Exit Poll
  • Segmentation & profiling
  • Voter satisfaction
  • AC/PC Category mapping
  • Need gap analysis
  • Religious Research
  • Quantitative research
  • Qualitative research
  • Hybrid research

Caste Politics in Karnataka 2023: "The Lingayat and Vokkaliga Communities are main Key Players in Karnataka's Caste Politics"

Karnataka is a diverse state with several communities and castes having a significant presence. However, some of the major castes in Karnataka that play a crucial role in state politics are:

Lingayats -The Lingayat community is one of the largest and politically influential communities in Karnataka, constituting around 17% of the state's population.

Vokkaligas -The Vokkaliga community is another influential community in Karnataka that is predominantly located in the Old Mysore region of Karnataka and constitutes around 12% of the state's population.

Kurubas -The Kuruba community is one of the largest communities in Karnataka, and constitutes around 8% of the state's population.

Scheduled Castes (SCs) - The Scheduled Castes (SCs) form a significant portion of Karnataka's population, comprising around 18% of the state's population.

Muslims - The Muslim community forms a substantial part of Karnataka's population, constituting around 13% of the state's population.

Among the Scheduled Castes (SCs) in Karnataka, the Adi Karnataka community is the largest group, comprising 34.13% of the SC population in the state, according to the 2011 caste census. The other major communities among the SCs in Karnataka include Banjara (11.85%), Bhovi (10.04%), Adi Dravida (6.98%), Holeya (6.37%), and Chalavadi (4.77%).

Overall, the state's caste dynamics are complex and multi-layered, with various caste groups having their own aspirations and interests, and their support for political parties being influenced by a range of factors such as regional, economic, and social issues.
